奥行き傾斜知覚における両眼視差と運動視差の統合  統計的効率アプローチ


  • Synthesis of binocular disparity with motion parallax in depth slant perception: Statistical efficiency approach.
  • オクユキ ケイシャ チカク ニ オケル リョウ ガン シサ ト ウンドウ シサ ノ トウゴウ トウケイテキ コウリツ アプローチ
  • Statistical efficiency approach
  • 統計的効率アプローチ



Statistical efficiency approach is used in order to investigate sampling properties of both binocular disparity and motion parallax processes in depth slant perception and to examine the independent decisions model (Mulligan & Shaw, 1980) consisting of these processes. We carried out two experiments in which each cue was displayed solely (i.e., single condition) and both cues were displayed simultaneously (i.e., multiple condition). A two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) task was used under the situation where a Gaussian noise was added to the stimulus value of depth slant. Statistical efficiencies were calculated in each experiment. The results showed that sampling size from binocular disparity was at least comparable or larger by a factor of 2.5-3.5 with that from motion parallax and that efficiencies of the multiple condition considerably exceeded those of the single condition. This suggests invalidity of the independent decisions model.


  • 心理学研究

    心理学研究 72 (6), 498-507, 2002

    公益社団法人 日本心理学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

