社会的交換と推論  4牧カード問題を用いた実験研究


  • Social exchange and inference: An experimental study with the Wason selection task.
  • シャカイテキ コウカン ト スイロン 4マイ カード モンダイ オ モチイタ ジッケン ケンキュウ
  • An experimental study with the Wason selection task
  • 4枚カード問題を用いた実験研究



Social contract theory (Cosmides, 1989) posits that the human mind was equipped with inference faculty specialized for cheater detection. Cosmides (1989) conducted a series of experiments employing the Wason selection task to demonstrate that her social contract theory could account for the content effects reported in the literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility that the results were due to experimental artifacts. In the current experiment, the subject was given two versions of the Wason task that contained no social exchange context, but included an instruction implying him/her to look for something, together with the cassava root and the abstract versions used by Cosmides (1989). Results showed that the two versions with no social exchange context produced the same response pattern observed in the original study. It may be concluded that the subject's perception of the rule as a social contract was not necessary to obtain the original results, and that an instruction implying that he/she should look for something was sufficient.


  • 心理学研究

    心理学研究 72 (1), 29-35, 2001

    公益社団法人 日本心理学会

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