Looking back upon the confusion of avian, swine, and pandemic influenza

  • KIDA Hiroshi
    Professor, The Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine Director, The Research Center for Zoonosis Control Hokkaido University

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  • 鳥,ブタ,そしてパンデミックインフルエンザ騒動を振り返る
  • トリ ブタ ソシテ パンデミックインフルエンザ ソウドウ オ フリカエル

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“Avian influenza”, “swine influenza”, and “new influenza” are not the names of disease but “influenza” in humans. The preparedness for pandemic influenza should be based on the measures how to control the seasonal influenza that causes thousands of deaths and hundreds of encephalopathy every year in Japan.


  • Uirusu

    Uirusu 60 (1), 17-20, 2010

    The Japanese Society for Virology


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