Molecular basis for negative-strand RNA virus entry and neutralization by antibodies

    Affiliation; Department of Virology, Faculty of medicine, Kyushu University

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  • マイナス鎖RNAウイルスの細胞侵入と抗体による中和の研究
  • 平成28年杉浦賞論文 マイナス鎖RNAウイルスの細胞侵入と抗体による中和の研究
  • ヘイセイ 28ネン スギウラショウ ロンブン マイナス サ RNA ウイルス ノ サイボウ シンニュウ ト コウタイ ニ ヨル チュウワ ノ ケンキュウ

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Mononegaviruses are non-segmented negative-strand RNA viruses, and include measles, mumps, Marburg, and Ebola viruses. Measles virus and mumps virus, members of the family Paramyxoviridae, are immunotropic and neurotropic, respectively. Marburg virus and Ebola virus, members of the family Filoviridae, cause highly lethal hemorrhagic fever. In this paper, I summarize the recent structural and functional studies on the viral glycoproteins (GPs) of these viruses, which have shed light on virus entry and the humoral response. The structural and functional analyses of the interaction between viral GPs and receptors/antibodies also illuminate directions toward therapeutics against the viruses.


  • Uirusu

    Uirusu 67 (1), 69-78, 2017

    The Japanese Society for Virology

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