Determinants of information-seeking about crime and crime prevention: Information-seeking on the Internet

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  • 犯罪及び防犯に関する情報探索の規定因――インターネット上の情報探索――
  • ハンザイ オヨビ ボウハン ニ カンスル ジョウホウ タンサク ノ キテイイン : インターネット ジョウ ノ ジョウホウ タンサク

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This study explores determinants of information-seeking about crime and crime prevention on the Internet, including how it was influenced by personal conversations with others. An analysis of a web survey of mothers (N = 1,040) of 3-12 years old children in Japan indicated that many mothers briefly saw basic information about crime on the Internet, while only a few mothers sought further details. Structural equation modeling indicated the following results. Overall, an increased frequency of conversations about children’s safety with family and friends made mothers realize their own responsibility for crime prevention. It also encouraged mothers to seek more information about crime prevention by increasing their willingness to cooperate with neighbors. However, when individuals’ realization of responsibility for crime prevention strengthened their attitudes toward the responsibility of the police and government for crime problems, then these attitudes decreased mothers’ information-seeking. Finally, while a heightened frequency of conversations about news contents directly increased information-seeking about crime, such conversations could indirectly weaken mothers’ information-seeking when mothers emphasized the responsibility of the police and government.



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