粘着式ゴキブリ捕獲器におけるNesticodes rufipes Lucas(クモ目:ヒメグモ科)の採餌〔英文〕


  • Foraging in Cockroach Sticky Traps by the Spider Nesticodes rufipes LUCAS(Araneae: Theridiidae): A Super Food Resource.
  • ネンチャクシキ ゴキブリ ホカクキ ニ オケル Nesticodes rufi



The spider Nesticodes rufipes regularly inhabits cockroach traps and feeds on entangled cockroaches. We determined, 1) the potential risks and gains associated with this foraging strategy and 2) whether spiders were evaluating the quality of traps before choosing which ones to inhabit. In terms of risk there was a 16% probability of a spider becoming entangled in a cockroach trap. The potential gains for spiders were in terms of food resources. Spiders that fed in cockroach traps were able to feed on significantly larger German cockroaches (Blattella germanica), than they could capture in naturally constructed webs, adult vs. 4th instars. Spiders also fed on adult American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) in traps, which would represent an even larger potential gain in calories. When presented with a choice of traps containing one or five cockroaches, spiders displayed a significant preference for feeding in and inhabiting traps with more cockroaches. Traces of web were found in both traps indicating that the spiders were exploring their environment prior to choosing where to feed, and were actively selecting traps with more prey items. Cockroach traps represent a super food resource for N. rufipes, for several reasons: 1) There is a significant gain in available calories per prey item. 2) There are a large number of prey items available per unit area. 3) Prey items are available for an extended period of time, i.e, cockroaches in a trap remained alive on average almost 14 days after becoming entangled.


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