Estimation of the effects on the thermal environment for pannel-type wall greening system by the evapotranspiration measurement

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  • 蒸発散量の計測によるパネル型壁面緑化の温熱環境改善効果
  • ジョウハッサンリョウ ノ ケイソク ニ ヨル パネルガタ ヘキメン リョッカ ノ オンネツ カンキョウ カイゼン コウカ

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This study aimed to quantitatively assess the effects of wall greening systems in mitigating the thermal environment by measuring the evapotranspiration from wall panels on which Eurnomymus fortunei was planted, and calculating the latent heat flux from the evapotranspiration measurements. The analysis showed that 1) the evapotranspiration from the panels, which used peat moss as the growing media, was about 4.1kg/m2(4.1mm), the transpiration from the plants was about 2.4 kg/m2(2.4mm), accounting for 60% of the evapotranspiration, and 2) there was a positive correlation between the latent heat flux and the net emission, and the latent heat flux from the panels was about 60% of the increment in net emission. The study suggests that the effects of wall greening in controlling latent heat and s mitigating the thermal environment can be quantitatively assessed by calculating the latent heat flux of panels from measurements and analyzing the heat balance.


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