Characteristic of the bedding flower seedlings that raised in media hardened by heat fusion polyester fiber and investigation of a simple wall greening method by use these seedlings.

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  • 熱融着性ポリエステル繊維で固化した培地で育苗した花壇苗の特性とこの苗を用いた簡易な壁面緑化の検討
  • ネツ ユウチャクセイ ポリエステル センイ デ コカシタ バイチ デ イクビョウシタ カダン ナエ ノ トクセイ ト コノ ナエ オ モチイタ カンイナ ヘキメン リョッカ ノ ケントウ

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A new media hardened by heat fusion polyester fiber has a characteristic that stanch the flow of media materials by watering. By raising bedding flower seedlings in the media, these materials were bound strongly with the growth of the plant, and penetration resistance of the media grew stronger. Pretreatment of slow release fertilizer for the media, it could keep flowering on the seedlings by only watering. 9 cm diameter size media just fitted on 5.5 cm pitch net-fence. This media was able to make wall greening quickly without using new base or soil. In summer high temperature, to keep the media wet condition and to send wind for them, the temperature of media were cold down and the ambient temperature of greening face was also cold down.


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