Synthesis and Physical Properties of Epoxy Resin Containing Xanthene Skeleton with Hexamethyl Group and Phenyl Group

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An novel epoxy resin containing xanthene skeletons with hexamethyl groups and phenyl group as the substituting groups was synthesized. It was found that this epoxy resin could meet most of all requirements, 'Excellent flame retardancy',''High heat resistance','Low moisture adsorption' and 'Low dielectric constant / dissipation factor'. The performance showing them at the same time had never been obtained from conventional epoxy resins in the advanced electronics application fields. The result was considered as follows : the xanthene skeleton reinforced by the specialty substituting groups', having functions of accelerating char forming and enhancing steric hindrance, contributed to its high performance.<BR>This epoxy resin was expected to promote the development of the environment friendly materials with high performance.


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