英国商業革命期のアメリカ低南部米作プランテーション : 砂糖・煙草・綿花との比較


  • Rice Plantation in the Colonial Lower Suth in the Era of the British Commercial Revolution : A Comparative Study with Sugar, Tobacco, and Cottn
  • エイコク ショウギョウ カクメイキ ノ アメリカ テイ ナンブ ベイサク プラ



Rice was grown successfully in South Carolina by 1696. By the early 18th century, with prodigious innovations and with the slave system on a large scale, it became a major export crop of the region. Rice planting became extremely profitable and Charleston rice exports rose from 10,000 pounds in 1698 to over 20 million by 1730. In this paper, "innovation and slavery in the World System" is a fundamental concept to exlain the rice industry in the era of the British Commercial Revolution[from the mid-17th century to 1776]. Part I of this paper examines the origin, expansion and development, and character of rice cultivation compared with other types of plantations. In Part II, the dynamics of the trade and price of the crop in relation to the Commercial Revolution are considered. To investigate the rice markert in the emergence of the modern global economy is also an object of this study. This paper criticizes old views which stressed the stagnancy of the colonial Lower South, and indicates that rice plantation expanded rapidly and brought about a lot of institutional transformations based on prodigious improvements and modern slavery.


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