
DOI Web Site 参考文献2件 オープンアクセス
  • 尾崎 圭司
  • 大倉 隆司
    徳島大学大学院工学研究科知能情報工学専攻(現在, (株)栄青写真社)
  • 野口 達毅
    徳島大学大学院工学研究科知能情報工学専攻(現在, (株)日本総合研究所)
  • 大川 人資
    徳島大学大学院工学研究科知能情報工学専攻(現在, 日本電気(株))
  • 矢野 米雄


  • Sharing and 3D-Visualizing Viewpoints of Art Appreciation in Virtual Art Museum System ArtFinder3.


In this study, a virtual art museum system has been developed. The system, ArtFinder3, has two main functions -- sharing and 3D-visualizing viewpoints of art appreciation -- to support development of aesthetic experience. Using the functions, a user can understand other viewpoints and develop art appreciation skills. Walking through virtual exhibition rooms of the system, a user can not only appreciate art works, but also take notes of his/her thoughts on them. The notes are written using an extended semantic network notation and editted graphically on a page of a sub-system Appreciation Notebook. Additionally, using the sub-system, a user can share his/her viewpoint with others and find other viewpoints related to his/her own. An extended semantic network on a page of Appreciation Notebook, which represents a user's viewpoint, can also be transformed into a virtual exhibition room by another sub-system 3D-Visualizer. A user can walk throuth this virtual exhibition room and appreciate art works in it. In this way, a user can understand the different kind of view of the same art works that he/she appreciated. The process leads a user to an advanced level of art appreciation.


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