Difficulty and Possibility of Industrial Agglomerations in Tokyo Metropolitan Area and a Decline of Domestic Industrial Agglomerations : Using Comparative Analysis from the Viewpoint of Changes in Economic Environment and Changes in Agglomeration structure(<Special Issue>On the innovativeness of industrial agglomerations)

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  • 国内産業集積の縮小と東京圏の困難と可能性 : 経済環境と集積構造の変化による比較分析(<特集>産業集積地域の革新性をめぐって)
  • 大会報告論文 国内産業集積の縮小と東京圏の困難と可能性--経済環境と集積構造の変化による比較分析
  • タイカイ ホウコク ロンブン コクナイ サンギョウ シュウセキ ノ シュクショウ ト トウキョウケン ノ コンナン ト カノウセイ ケイザイ カンキョウ ト シュウセキ コウゾウ ノ ヘンカ ニ ヨル ヒカク ブンセキ

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In this paper, we would discuss the innovativeness of the industrial agglomerations in Tokyo metropolitan area with comparative analysis. We would compare the inner city area where accumulation is shifting to with small enterprises to the outskirts area where various sized enterprises are based in. We supposed three periods for analyzing two areas from the viewpoint of changes of an economical environment that has influenced an innovativeness of industrial agglomerations and a turning point of changes in the number of business offices. In the first period, industrial agglomerations had grown under radical economic growth. In the second period, its scale was going down while the domestic economy was still growing up. In the third period, industrial agglomerations were declining under a depression namely in the long term after bubble economy collapse. With this analysis, next two point's hade had been made clear. The one is that the inner city area, where manufacturers remarkably tend toward to be their scales down in, faces a decline of its diversity and innovativeness. Such decline of its innovativeness had been hidden under expanding economy with an abundant business chance. However, under shrinking economy, it has brought a new problem that is homogeneity of manufacturers caused by their scales down. The other is that the outskirts area characterized by having various scales manufacturers and accumulating with various businesses has possessed various transactions and diversity in innovativeness.


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