Final Ending Forms in Conversations in Yenpyen-region Korean:With a Focus on Differences by Degree of Intimacy in Relations and Attributes of the Speaker

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  • 延辺地域朝鮮語の談話における文末形式
  • 延辺地域朝鮮語の談話における文末形式 : 親疎関係,話者の属性による差異に注目して
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  • ――親疎関係,話者の属性による差異に注目して――

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<p>This study analyzed aspects of final-ending usages in Yenpyen-regional dialect conversations from the perspective of sociolinguistics, such as degree of intimacy in their relationships and the attributes of the speaker. The analysis elucidated the below four points: (1) In the Yenpyen regional dialect there are, generally, four speech levels of the gearer-oriented honorific System. Hayla-chey and Hay-chey are often used. Hao-chey final endings have not been not confirmed in speech for their 10s, with their forties at the lower end. (2) In final endings in the Yenpyen regional dialect, there is frequently a fusion and omission not seen in other dialects, in such forms as -s@p- (modesty), -te- (witnessing), and -ni (Hayla-chey). These final endings appear differently according to the age of the speaker. (3) In the synchronous Yenpyen dialect, aside from the substratum Hamkyengto dialect, in conversations in their sixties and above, final endings originating from the Lyukcin dialect are used. (4) In the Yenpyen dialect, even if forms such as -ta, -ci, -a/e-, and -nya are the same, there are final endings with registers different from many other dialect forms.</p>


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