Local Magnates in Northern China Society during the Jin-Yuan Period : The Case of Dingxiang Country, Shanxi

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  • 金元代華北社会における在地有力者 : 碑刻からみた山西忻州定襄県の場合
  • キンゲンダイ カホク シャカイ ニ オケル ザイチ ユウリョクシャ ヒコク カラ ミタ サンセイキンシュウ テイジョウケン ノ バアイ

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There is little research to date available on northern China under Jurchen and Mongol rule, especially the aspects of local society. This situation contrasts markedly with the large body of literature concerning Jiangnan and Fujian. Despite the long history of research dealing with the local administration, political affairs, the military system, etc. of the Jin and Yuan dynasties, some fundamental problems remained unstudied : for example, how did the "barbarian" conquest of northern China and their subsequent rule over the region by the Jurchen and Mongols influence local society ; and how did local society in northern China actually change as a result? In this article, the author concentrates on Xin忻 Prefecture, Dingxiang定襄 Country, Shanxi山西, for which there is ample source materials (mainly epigraphy in the form of epitaphs), and its local elite to examine the circumstances surrounding local society with respect to the influence of war and Jurchen and Mongol rule. As a result, it becomes clear that the history of Dingxiang Country during the Jin-Yuan period can be divided into two distinct periods : one of Jurchen rule marking continuity from the Song Dynasty, and one of Mongol rule, during which the local order began to be reorganized. In addition, it was a period during which not a few families not only survived, but also retained their power despite prolonged wars and the rise and fall of dynasties, by means of passing civil service examinations under the Jurchens and promptly surrendering to the Mongols and adapting to the new Mongol system of registration. Although Dingxiang County constitutes only a very small part of northern China, after a careful comparison with other localities, the author concludes that it provides a very interesting base from which to further clarify the situation in north China under Jurchen and Mongol rule.



    SHIGAKU ZASSHI 112 (4), 452-477, 2003

    The Historical Society of Japan

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