

  • Limno-biological Study of the Lake Taromalin at the South of Taiwan
  • タラマリンチ シュウヘン ノ リクスイガクテキ セイブツガク



We study the limno-biological properties of the lake Taromalin, which is situated at 22°52′12″N and 120°51′E, extending from east to west, on the ridge of the Formosan backbonemoutains of 2180m above sea level. The lake is accompanied by two small and very shallow satellite lakes at its north side at about 300m distance, <br>1. The geographical outline of the lake are as follows: length of the shore line; 2.0km, surface area; 12.68ha, maximum depth; 34m, mean depth; 17.3m, volume; 2.2×106m3, shore development; 1.38. They imply that Taromalin may be the deepest lake in the natural lake in Taiwan.<br>2. Natural forest has covered all around the lake shore, which consists of coniforous Tsuga chinensis formosana, broad-leaved Trocodendraceae, Fagaceae, Ericaceae and many kinds of Pteridophytes. Vascular plants found are classified 120 species of 58 Familia in all.<br>3. We find 62 different species of birds, which belong to 23 Familia including Turdidae and Tamaliidae. Presence of a kind of mandarindack, Aix gareliculata, is especially noteworthy.<br>4. Neither large aquatic plants nor fishes are found, but a great number of Eudiaptomus formosus are found at the northwestern side of the lake.<br>5. A jumping layer of water is found in the depth of about 10 to 15m from the lake surface, where temperature, pH value, amount of dissolved oxygen and COD value all change drastically lower. While the value of COD and Fe ions in bottom water are risen, and they are estimated about 5mg/l and 9mg/l respectively.<br>6. The lake is oligotrophic, but both dissolved materials and, in particular, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous compounds are meager.


  • 東北地理

    東北地理 40 (4), 258-271, 1988



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