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- 北海道奥尻島・天売島・焼尻島の漁業
- ホッカイドウ オクシリトウ テウリジマ ヤギシリトウ ノ ギョギョウ
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Japanese fisheries are operated in diversified manners and a great variety of fishing methods. There are regional differences caused by socio-economic and natural conditions. The author tries to analyze social strata in present fishing villages in relation to their historical background.<br>At Okushiri island, the large portion of catch is cuttlefish by angling, and trout by floating net or line. Cuttlefish fishing was originally operated by a few upper-class fishermen and many lower-class fishermen employed by the former. Moreover, the former who have powered boats can operate all the year round, but most of the latter work in other places away from home, when the season is off. Okushiri island, therefore, seems to have apparent social strata consisting of upper-class and lower-class fishermen.<br>In Teuri and Yagishiri islands, there were distinct social strata of owners of fish traps who were called “amimoto”, and ordinary fishermen used gill-nets for herring. However, according to the decrease of herring catch, the distinction of these classes have diminished. As a result, there is little division of social strata apparently in these two islands.
- Annals of The Tohoku Geographycal Asocciation
Annals of The Tohoku Geographycal Asocciation 17 (3), 152-157, 1965
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205146612352
- NII Article ID
- 130001077315
- NII Book ID
- AN00168742
- 18841244
- 03872777
- 807340
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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