Effect of Multi-Stage Crushing on the Size Distribution Control of Crushed Product of Iron Ore

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  • 鉄鉱石の破砕における多段粉砕の整粒効果
  • テッコウセキ ノ ハサイ ニ オケル タダン フンサイ ノ セイリュウ コウカ

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The prevention of undesired fine particles production during the crushing of iron ores is one of the important problems in the blast furnace burden preparation.<BR>This paper presented a study on the size distribution of the crushed product of iron ores under various reduction ratios and on the benefit of the multi-stage crushing.<BR>Crushing experiments with several reduction ratios confirmed that the amount of fine particles in the crushed product increased with increasing the reduction ratio and that the size distribution of the crushed product agreed well with the GAUDIN-MELOY equation. The relationship between the size ratio r in the GAUDIN-MELOY equation and the reduction ratio R was obtained as the following equation with two constants, a and b;<BR>r=a (<I>R)b</I><BR>Using the above results, the size distribution of the final product in any multi-stage crushing can be calculated.<BR>As a result, it is distinctly recognized that the multi-stage crushing benefits for the size distribution control of the crushed product.


  • Tetsu-to-Hagane

    Tetsu-to-Hagane 54 (12), 1232-1241, 1968

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan


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