

  • Feeding Activities in the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel, <I>Petaurista leucogenys</I>
  • ムササビ ノ サイショク カツドウ



Annual feeding activities of Petaurista leucogenys were investigated during 1975-1978, together with an experiment in captivity. Emergence time averaged 35 minutes after sunset, and was little correlated with the ambient temperature. Activity is crepuscular, with the first peak soon after emergence and the second one just before return. Resting time between them during the night was very long. The feeding pattern corresponded to the two peaks of activity, but, the major peak of feeding occurred during the second active period. Nine species of trees were utilized as food in the study area, i. e. Quercus salicina, Q. acuta, Zelkova serrata, Acer palmatum, Cryptomeria japonica, Pinus densiflora, P. parviflora, Prunus jamasakura and Diospyros kaki. Different parts of an individual tree were selectively eaten according to the season. Especially, the leaves of Q. salicina were consumed during the whole year. Home range area and the distribution of food trees approximately overlapped each other. It was considered that folivorous habit of the flying squirrel was reasonably reflected in its size, nocturnal feeding pattern and home range size.


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