An empirical analysis of network effects by users

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  • 構成ユーザー別ネットワーク効果の実証分析
  • コウセイ ユーザー ベツ ネットワーク コウカ ノ ジッショウ ブンセキ

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<p>Network effects are an important factor in the development of the information and communications industry. In previous research, the size of the network has been specified as the total number of users of goods and services, and there is no attention to the constituent users of the network. Therefore, in this research, we focus on the possibility that the network effect varies depending on its constituent users, and build a model in which the number of paying users and the number of non-paying users have different influences on the use of mobile games, respectively, and analyze them.</p><p>As a result of the analysis, it was found that the number of paying users significantly affected the payment amount, and when the paying users increased 1%, the payment amount increased by 0.06%. On the other hand, the number of non-paying users did not appear to have an influence. From this, it is suggested that the network effect differs depending on its constituent users, and the network effect of non-paying users is limited.</p>


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