- OURA Hirokuni
- Department of Economy<BR>Teikyo University
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 秩序問題への進化ゲーム理論的アプローチ
- チツジョ モンダイ エ ノ シンカ ゲーム リロンテキ アプローチ
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In this paper, I examine how to approach for Order Problem by evolutionary game theory.<BR> From the viewpoint of game theory, order phenomenon observed in human society can be classified into three types. They are order phenomenon of coordination game type, chicken game type and social dilemma avoidance type. It is most difficult to explain social dilemma avoidance type.<BR> As for the social dilemma avoidance, research on proximate factors which bring a state of cooperation in the N-person prisoner dilemma game (NPD) is proceeding. But, research on the ultimate factor which makes the evolution of these proximate factors possible is insufficient. Evolutionary game theoretical approach has possibility to explain the ultimate factor of the NPD avoidance by development of n-person selective interaction type evolutionary game model as the expansion of usual models.<BR> Such approach can supplement the previous approaches for order problem.
- Sociological Theory and Methods
Sociological Theory and Methods 18 (2), 133-152, 2003
Japanese Association For Mathematical Sociology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205166933760
- NII Article ID
- 110000511889
- NII Book ID
- AN10096921
- 18816495
- 09131442
- 6744480
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed