Reoxidation Behavior in Al Killed Steel during Casting

  • HIGUCHI Yoshihiko
    Corporate Research & Development Laboratories, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
  • TAGO Yukari
    Corporate Research & Development Laboratories, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
    Corporate Research & Development Laboratories, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
  • KANAI Tatsuo
    Kashima Steel Works, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
  • MUTOH Akifumi
    Kashima Steel Works, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.

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Other Title
  • Alキルド鋼鋳込時の溶鋼再酸化挙動
  • Al キルド コウ イコミジ ノ ヨウ コウ サイサンカ キョドウ

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The kinetics of reoxidation of Al killed steel with slag and air were investigated in laboratory experiments using tammann furnace and in plant experiments using commercial 85×103 kg tundish. Experimental results were discussed by the coupled reaction model.<BR>Observed apparent rate constants of [sol.Al] decreased with increasing (CaO)/(SiO2) ratio in laboratory experiments and showed a good agreement with calculated ones.<BR>Flow rate of air leak at steady state was evaluated to be 3.0×10-5 and 4.0×10-4 m3/s inside and outside of immersion tube in commercial tundish, respectively and was estimated to have little influence on reoxidation.<BR>Mass transfer coefficient in metal was estimated to be 6.0×10-5 m/s based on the tundish mixing model and the coupled reaction model.<BR>Observed [sol.Al] in tundish decreased with increasing (%FeO)+(%MnO) value in ladle slag and showed a good agreement with calculated one by considering reoxidation in ladle and air leak at unsteady state.


  • Tetsu-to-Hagane

    Tetsu-to-Hagane 85 (5), 375-381, 1999

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

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