Delayed Fracture Dynamics of Maraging Steel by Quantitative Analysis of Acoustic Emission

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  • アコースティックエミッションの定量解析によるマルエージング鋼の遅れ破壊のダイナミックス
  • アコースティック エミッション ノ テイリョウ カイセキ ニヨル マルエージン

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Microfracture dynamics in the delayed fracture of a maraging steel was investigated using multi-channel AE monitoring and advanced signal processing system. Source location and moment tensor analaysis of 7 channel monitoring system were utilized to determine both the fracture mode and theoretical transfer function of the specimen. Source wave was estimated by iteration of the out-of-plane displacement so as to best represent the corresponding measured displacement. Delayed fracture of maraging steel was found to be dominated by Mode-1 cracks of 10 to 30 μm in size. These cracks generated within 1 to 3 μ sec.


  • Tetsu-to-Hagane

    Tetsu-to-Hagane 83 (8), 532-537, 1997

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

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