
  • 中塚 亨
    (独)日本原子力研究開発機構 原子力基礎工学研究部門
  • 中野 佳洋
    (独)日本原子力研究開発機構 次世代原子力システム研究開発部門
  • 大久保 努
    (独)日本原子力研究開発機構 次世代原子力システム研究開発部門


  • Study on Effect of Local Power Distribution of Fuel Assembly on Critical Power of Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR)
  • テイゲンソク ケイスイロ ノ ネンリョウ シュウゴウタイ キョクショ シュツリョク ブンプ ノ ゲンカイ シュツリョク エ ノ エイキョウ ヒョウカ



  A reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) is an innovative light water reactor comprising tight-lattice fuel assemblies with a gap clearance of around 1.0 mm for a reduction in water volume ratio to achieve a high conversion ratio. By taking into account recent experimental findings from 37-rod tight-lattice bundle thermal-hydraulic tests indicating that the critical power tends to be higher for a peripheral peak local power distribution than for a flat power distribution, the viability of fuel assembly designs with fewer types of plutonium enrichment of MOX fuel, which may result in a large local peaking factor in peripheral rods, was assessed in this report. Critical powers of 217-rod bundles with peripheral peaks for upper and lower MOX regions of the double-flat core of the RMWR were calculated by a subchannel analysis code NASCA. Peripheral peaking with the corresponding local peaking factor for a uniform plutonium enrichment design yields almost the same critical power as that for a flat power distribution. Thus, a reduction in fuel fabrication burden may be possible by decreasing the number of types of plutonium fuel enrichment while maintaining the same thermal-hydraulic margin as the fuel assembly design with five enrichment types of MOX fuel.<br>


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