地球環境問題に対するつくば市とエジンバラ市の意識と 環境保全活動について


  • The people's awareness and cooperative activity for conservation of the environment between Edinburgh city (UK) and Tsukuba city (Japan) during global project for students
  • 地球環境問題に対するつくば市とエジンバラ市の意識と環境保全活動について : 短期海外渡航経験援助の付加として
  • チキュウ カンキョウ モンダイ ニ タイスル ツクバシ ト エジンバラシ ノ イシキ ト カンキョウ ホゼン カツドウ ニ ツイテ : タンキ カイガイ トコウ ケイケン エンジョ ノ フカ ト シテ
  • -短期海外渡航経験援助の付加として-



In order to solve the problems of global environment, it is necessary for everyone to recognize the problems with awareness and participate in the environment protection with a cooperative activity. Environmental protection activity can be improved by utilizing the experiences obtained from our daily life and by comparing the domestic current situation with other countries at an objective viewpoint. Here we report the people's awareness and cooperative activity for environment protection in Edinburgh city (UK) and Tsukuba city (Japan). Public transportation in Edinburgh city is more developed than that in Tsukuba city which contributes to the lower emission of CO2. Questionnaire regarding global environmental issue was conducted among 10 people in each city, respectively. All responders in Edinburgh are concerned with environmental issues while 80% of the responders in Tsukuba showed their concern with the same issue. It can be concluded that people in Edinburgh may have higher environmental awareness than people in Tsukuba. *This study was supported by research exchange project of University of Tsukuba. Finally, the importance of global education project for students will be discussed.


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