

  • A Study on Nonlinear Growth of Disturbance Waves in a Radial Liquid Sheet
  • ホウシャジョウ ジユウ エキマクリュウ ニ オケル カク ランハ ノ ヒセンケイ ゾウフク トクセイ



Nonlinear growth of disturbance waves in a radial liquid sheet has been clarified. The radial liquid sheet was formed by releasing of a radial water film flowing along the disk into still air. In this liquid sheet, a velocity profile with an inflection point is formed during the relaxation of the velocity profile. This velocity profile causes inflection point instability, and the instability amplifies disturbances in the liquid sheet. The deformed liquid surface by the amplified disturbance produces disturbance waves. In this study, the growth of the disturbance waves depending on the amplitude of the wave was analyzed by numerical simulation and experiment. The thickness and surface velocity at the disk edge were selected to be 80μm and 14.2m⁄s, respectively. The disturbance waves with different amplitudes were numerically simulated, and the simulated disturbance waves demonstrated that the growth rate decreases when the amplitude exceeds 15μm, which is 19% of the sheet thickness. In addition, the comparison of measured amplitude by the laser reflection method with that of the simulated disturbance waves revealed that the amplitude of experimentally observed disturbance waves are strongly decayed by nonlinear effect.


  • 実験力学

    実験力学 9 (4), 330-337, 2009


参考文献 (13)*注記


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