

  • Starvation Resistance at Different Temperatures in Mice Selected for Large and Small Body-size
  • タイジュウダイ オヨビ ショウ ニ センバツ サレタ マウス ケイトウ ノ コトナル オンド ジョウケン ニ オケル キガ テイコウセイ



Using two lines of mice selected for large and small body-size, starvation resistance of the large (L), control (RB) and small (SM) lines were investigated at different air temperatures and at various stages of growth. Starvation resistance was estimated by the length of survival periods of mice deprived of food and water. The covariance analyses between body weight and survival period was used in the significance test of line difference. 1) At temperatures of 20°C and 28°C, in adult mice, the L line was significantly longer in the survival period than the SM one, while, at 35°C, the SM line longer than the L one. The RB line showed intermediate value of two selected lines at any temperatures. Percentage of body weight loss at death were proportional to the length of the survival period at all three temperatures. The optimal temperature for survival in starvation was 28°C in the L and RB lines and 35°C in the SM line. These differences appeared to be based on the relative difference in the body surface area of mice of the three lines. 2) Developmental changes in the survival periods of the three lines at 28°C were similar to the growth curve of body weight. The survival period was longer in the L line than in the other two, the RB being intermediate. Significant line differences were recognized after 10 weeks of age. 3) The survival periods of adult mice of the L, SM lines and their reciprocal cross at 28°C were correlated with the body weight. The L line was the longest survival period and the SM line the shortest. These results indicate that starvation resistance mainly depends on the body-size. Line difference in the physiological mechanism controlling starvation resistance were discussed.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 45 (5), 239-243, 1974

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

