
  • 久米 新一
  • 向居 彰夫
    農林水産省九州農業試験場 Forestry and Fisheries Research Council
  • 柴田 正貴
    農林水産省九州農業試験場 Tropical Agriculture Research Center


  • Effect of Zinc Level in Rations on Zinc Concentration in Liver and Kidney of Holstein Cattle
  • ホルスタイン タネウシ ノ カンゾウ オヨビ ジンゾウ ノ アエン ノウド ニ



The objective of this study was to clarify the effect of zinc (Zn) level in rations on the Zn status of Holstein cattle by the determination of. Zn concentration in the body. 1. Zn concentration in 37 Holstein cattle kept at Kyushu Natl. Agric. Exp. Stn. and 10 dairy farms in Kumamoto prefecture was investigated. Zn concentrations in the liver and kidney were 377-576 and 83-114ppm respectively in 2 newborn and one 1 month old calves, but those in 14 cows were 116-341 and 86-131ppm, respectively. Zn concentration in roughage was considerably lower than that in concentrate. Zn concentration in the liver, kidney, and blood was not affected by dietary Zn level. This suggests that tissue Zn concentration in cattle is maintained relatively constant, even when Zn intake is marginally inadequate. 2. A Zn feeding experiment was carried out by using 2 Holstein cows fed 5g of Zn as zinc sulfate daily for 4 weeks. Zn concentration in the tissues of treated cows was almost the same as for untreated cows. Since Zn concentration in the feces in the treatment period was much higher than before or after treatment, it seems likely that most of Zn administered was excreted in the feces.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 55 (3), 183-190, 1984

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

