タイ産コブ牛(Bos indicus)および水牛(Bubalus bubalis)のルーメン内微生物叢


  • Rumen Ciliate Protozoal Fauna and Bacterial Flora of the Zebu Cattle (Bos indicus) and the Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Thailand
  • タイサン コブ ウシ Bos indicus オヨビ スイギュウ Bubalu



Ruminal microbial compositions were surveyed on the zebu cattle and the water buffalo in Thailand. As the result of survey, 17 genera including 57 species and 19 formae of the ciliates were identified. Of them, 17 genera with 56 species and 19 formae were detected from the zebu cattle and 7 genera with 26 species and 6 formae from the water buffalo. Of the ciliates found from the zebu cattle, 32 species and 14 formae were common with that from the Japanese cattle and 24 species and 6 formae with that from the Indian zebu cattle. On the other hand, all of ciliate species reported from the Philippines' zebu cattle and water buffalo were detected in this examination. Two species and 1 forma of the ciliates were peculiar in Thailand. The average number of species appeared per head of host was 26.1 in the zebu cattle and 9.4 in the water buffalo. The average density of ciliates per l milliliter of the rumen fluid was 7.1×104in the zebu cattle and 7.4×103 in the water buffalo, respectively. In contrast, the total bacterial number was 2.2×109/ml in the zebu cattle and 1.3×1010/ml in the water buffalo. In every host, Gram-negative rods were the most predominant and occupied about 70% of the total bacteria, and Gram-positive cocci came after. The results obtained in this examination indicated that the similarity of ciliate composition was higher among the keeping area of hosts even in the different species of hosts rather than that among the same species of hosts kept in different area. From the result, it is suggested that there may probably be a geographical difference in rumen microbial function.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 55 (8), 576-583, 1984

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

