- 加世田 雄時朗
- 宮崎大学農学部
- タイトル別名
- Characteristics of the Horse Tracks on the Slope of Misaki Pasture in Toi Cape
- トイ ミサキ ノ ゴ サキ ボクジョウ ノ ケイシャ ソウチ ニ ケイセイサレ
Misaki pasture in Toi Cape has been utilized as the grazing pasture for Misaki horses during about three hundred years. Many horse tracks are clearly formed along the contour on the slope of the pasture. The present studies were conducted to clarify the characteristics of these horse tracks in relation to the behavior of the horses on the slope. The horse tracks were formed on the slopes ranging from 28° to 51° in angle and almost all grasses between the horse tracks were entirely grazed. Width of the horse tracks ranged from 20cm to 80cm, with a mean of 40cm. The distances between the horse tracks range from 60cm to 220cm in Ogiyama area, but from 100cm to 250cm in Komatsugaoka area. The mean distance between the horse tracks was 163cm in both areas and the distrances between the horse tracks had significantly positively corre- lated to the angles of the slope in Komatsugaoka area. The distances from the withers of the horse to the edge of the just upper horse tracks were calculated by using the vertical and horizontal components of the distances between the horse tracks, provided that the mean height of Misaki horses was 130cm and the mean width of the horse tracks was 40cm. The results obtained have shown that there was a significant negative correlation between these calculated distances and the angles of the slope. Observations of the grazing bahavior and the states of grasses grazed on the slope suggested that the distance from the withers of the horse to the edge of the just upper horse track was nearly equal to the maximum distance that Misaki horses were able to graze on the slope. It is therefore presumed that as the angle of the slope increases, the distance avaiable for the horses decreases. It is suggested that the horse tracks and the distances between the horse tracks in Misaki pasture are reasonably established for the horses grazing on the slope.
- 日本畜産学会報
日本畜産学会報 51 (9), 642-648, 1980
公益社団法人 日本畜産学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001205193895040
- 130000736406
- AN00195188
- 18808255
- 00215309
- 1346907X
- 2193177
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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