

  • Lysine Requirements of Native Chicken, Hinai-jidori (Rhode Island Red×Hinai-dori)
  • Lysine Requirements of Native Chicken H



The lysine requirements of Hinai-jidori were estimated by using three parameters, body weight gain, feed efficiency and plasma concentration of amino acids. Experimental diets contained five graded lysine levels from deficient to excess. Four chickens of both sexes in each dietary group were housed individually in wire cages and fed the experimental diets and water ad libitum for 14 days at three growing stages, 7 to 21 (Stage 1), 42 to 56 (Stage 2) and 77 to 91 (Stage 3) days of age. The body weight gain and feed efficiency were determined for all stages, and plasma concentration of amino acids were determined for Stages 2 and 3 on the last day of experiments. The break point of each parameter was estimated as a requirement using a break line model. The lysine requirements were estimated to be 0.78, 0.63 and 0.52% of the diet for Stages 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There were no differences in the lysine requirements between sexes, However, the lysine requirements of Hinai-jidori were different from those of layer pullets and broilers at corresponding growing stages (NRC, 1994).


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 68 (5), 459-465, 1997

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

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