

  • Relationship between Food Intake and Daily Heart Beat in Cows and Goats
  • シリョウ セッシュリョウ ト 24ジカン シンパクスウ ト ノ カンケイ ニ



It is possible to record automatically the grazing behaviour and heart rate in cattle on pasture for 24 hours using a data logger system. The relationship between food intake per day and daily heart beat (DHB; beats/day) was examined using two castrated adult Shiba goats and two rearing Holstein cows. They were tied to stanchions indoors and given different amounts of food intake. In addition as another experiment, the cows were grazed day and night on pasture and the DHB was examined almost every day. In the indoor experiment, a transient increase of heart rate was accompanied by the act of ingestion. The baseline heart rate on the diagram of heart rate for 24 hours was closely related to the amount of food intake per day. Therefore, DHB showed a highly significant positive correlation to food intake per day. Also, in the grazing experiment for the cows, the DHB was at a higher level during the first half of the grazing perid and thereafter decreased gradually till the end of the grazing period. The decrease in DHB might be due to the decrease in the herbage intake accompanying a decrease in the herbage available. The present results suggest that DHB may be of considerable value as an indicator of the estimation of food intake.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 61 (2), 110-114, 1990

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

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