

  • Antioxidant compounds and their contribution to total antioxidant capacity in rosemary extracts, natural antioxidants
  • テンネン サンカ ボウシザイ ローズマリー チュウシュツブツ チュウ ノ カッセイ セイブン ト カッセイ キヨリツ



The identification and contribution of active components in commercial rosemary extracts as a natural antioxidant using DPPH, which are used as an antioxidative evaluation method, were performed. When two commercial rosemary extracts (manufacture A, powder sample; manufacture B, vegetable oil-liquid sample) were applied to HPLC-DPPH online post-column system, three major peaks (1, 2 and 3) appeared in UV chromatograms at 285nm, and HPLC-separated components corresponding to peaks 2 and 3 reacted with DPPH, resulting that they were detected as major negative peaks in DPPH scavenging chromatograms at 517nm. The results suggested that they would be major antioxidative components in rosemary extracts. The LC-MS/MS and co-injection analyses of authentic samples revealed that compound 1, 2 and 3 were rosmarinic acid (RosA), carnosol (Car) and carnosic acid (CarA), respectively. The contents of RosA, Car and CarA were 4.18, 44.0 and 161mg/g in the rosemary extract A, respectively, and 0.38, 6.30 and 43.3mg/g in the extract B, respectively. The DPPH radical scavenging activity(TEAC, Trolox equivalent activity) of the rosemary extract A, RosA, Car and CarA were 0.350, 2.26, 0.941 and 1.34, respectively, but the activity of rosemary extract B was not measured because the reaction solution was suspended. Calculated from the contents and antioxidant activity, the contribution of Car and CarA to activity of rosemary extract A was estimated as about 75%. On the other hand, the rosemary extract was mixed with 26 antioxidants, and the effects of antioxidants on DPPH radical scavenging activity of the extract were examined by comparison of activity (IM) of the mixture with the estimated activity (IE) from individual antioxidants. The ratios of IM to IE (IM/IE) of the combinations with vanilic acid or p-coumaric acid were almost 0.8, implying that the antioxidants caused antagonistic effects. The ratios of the combinations with caffeic acid or ascorbic acid were more than 1.2, implying synergistic effects.


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