Bacteria Disinfection Using Zero-valent Iron, Lemon Juice, and Sunlight

  • SUZUKI Tasuma
    Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University
  • Noor Diyana Binti Jamil
    Department of Sustainable Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University
  • NIINAE Masakazu
    Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University

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Other Title
  • 鉄粉,レモン汁および太陽光による細菌の殺菌・不活化
  • 鉄粉,レモン汁および太陽光による細菌の殺菌・不活化 : 震災直後の緊急上水処理手段としての提案
  • テップン,レモンジュウ オヨビ タイヨウコウ ニ ヨル サイキン ノ サッキン ・ フカツカ : シンサイ チョクゴ ノ キンキュウ ジョウスイ ショリ シュダン ト シテ ノ テイアン
  • ―震災直後の緊急上水処理手段としての提案―

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The objective of this study was to investigate the disinfection efficiencies of E. coli and coliforms during the solar disinfection (SODIS) process with the presence of zero-valent iron and/or citric acid. The experimental results from a series of batch experiments showed that a treatment with neither sole UV-A (365 nm wavelength), zero-valent iron, nor citric acid effectively decreased the fraction of viable E. coli and coliforms under the experimental conditions investigated in this study. However, the simultaneous addition of zero-valent iron and citric acid during the UV-A illumination effectively decreased the fraction of viable E. coli and coliforms, meaning the co-existence of these three are required to effectively produce oxidants such as hydroxyl radical and ferryl ion. It was also demonstrated through field experiments that the technology proposed in this study can be easily implemented in our daily life using lemon juice rich in citric acid.<br>


  • Resources Processing

    Resources Processing 60 (3), 138-144, 2013

    The Resources Processing Society of Japan


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