Narcissistic Vulnerability, Self-discrepancy, and Self-esteem as Predictors of Propensity for Social Phobia
- Kamiji Yuichiro
- Graduate School of Education, Okayama University
- Miyashita Kazuhiro
- Faculty of Education, Chiba University
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- Other Title
- 対人恐怖傾向の要因としての自己愛的脆弱性,自己不一致,自尊感情の関連性
- タイジン キョウフ ケイコウ ノ ヨウイン ト シテ ノ ジコアイテキ ゼイジャクセイ ジコ フイッチ ジソン カンジョウ ノ カンレンセイ
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Some clinicians have identified preoccupation with exaggerated ideal self as a common personality feature in hypersensitive narcissists and socio-phobic patients. Broucek (1991) and Okano (1998) regarded hypersensitive narcissists as individuals annoyed by shame that reflected the discrepancy between their exaggerated ideal self and devalued real self, while Kohut (1971) did not consider that they possessed high ideal self. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among predictors of social phobia, and synthesize Broucek's and Okano's view with that of Kohut. For this study, we developed a short version of Narcissistic Vulnerability Scale based on Kohut's perspective. In Study 1, the scale was administered to 216 students and its correlations with other scales examined. In Study 2, 249 students completed it and scales of ideal-and-real self-discrepancy, self-esteem, and propensity for social phobia. Results suggested that narcissistic vulnerability, as well as self-discrepancy, directly and indirectly exacerbated propensity for social phobia. In addition, it was found that self-discrepancy and narcissistic vulnerability had a positive correlation.
- The Japanese Journal of Personality
The Japanese Journal of Personality 17 (3), 280-291, 2009
Japan Society of Personality Psychology
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- 1390001205212546560
- NII Article ID
- 130000138186
- NII Book ID
- AA11873802
- 13496174
- 13488406
- 10358063
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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