A Model for the Induction of DNA Damages and their Evolution into Cell Clonogenic Inactivation

  • YAMAGUCHI Hiroshi
    International Space Radiation Laboratory National Institute of Radiological Sciences
  • OHARA Hiroshi
    Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group National Institute of Radiological Sciences
  • WAKER Anthony J.
    University of Ontario Institute of Technology


  • Model for the Induction of DNA Damages and their Evolution into Cell Clonogenic Inactivation



The dependence of the initial production of DNA damages on radiation quality was examined by using a proposed new model on the basis of target theory. For the estimation of DNA damage-production by different radiation qualities, five possible modes of radiation action, including both direct and indirect effects, were assumed inside a target the molecular structure of which was defined to consist of 10 base-pairs of DNA surrounded by water molecules. The induction of DNA damage was modeled on the basis of comparisons between the primary ionization mean free path and the distance between pairs of ionized atoms, such distance being characteristic on the mode of radiation action. The OH radicals per average energy to produce an ion pair on the nanosecond time scale was estimated and used for indirect action. Assuming a relation between estimated yields of DNA damages and experimental inactivation cross sections for AT-cells, the present model enabled the quantitative reproduction of experimental results for AT-cell killing under aerobic or hypoxic conditions. The results suggest a higher order organization of DNA in a way that there will be at least two types of water environment, one filling half the space surrounding DNA with a depth of 3.7-4.3 nm and the other filling all space with a depth 4.6-4.9 nm.<br>


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