The Effects of a Fall-Prevention Program Mainly Involving Aqua-exercise as a Community Health Project for Community-Dwelling Elderly
- Physical Education and Medicine Research Center UNNAN
- KAMADA Masamitsu
- Physical Education and Medicine Research Center UNNAN
- SUTO Haruki
- Physical Education and Medicine Research Center UNNAN
- SOTA Tomiyo
- Department of Health and Welfare, Unnan City Hall
- Department of Health and Welfare, Unnan City Hall
- Social Welfare Corporation YOSHIDA
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- 地域保健事業における水中運動を中心とする転倒予防の取り組みの効果分析
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We evaluated the effects of a 6-month fall-prevention program, mainly involving aqua-exercise, that was provided as a community health project to the elderly by a local, self-governing body.<br> The subjects consisted of 29 inhabitants (5 males and 24 females) of a community who were ≥ 65 years old (mean, 70.9 ± 3.8 years). For a 6-month period, a 60-minute exercise intervention program was performed once a week. Under the guidance of experienced exercise instructors, aqua-exercise (stretching, walking, games) was performed 12 times, indoor exercise (resistance/balance training) 5 times, and outdoor walking twice. The assessment items included the incidence of falling, Good Walkers Index (Kenkyakudo), blood properties, and the Profile of Mood States (POMS)-Brief Form. Assessment was performed at the initiation and completion of interventions, and also 6 months after their completion (follow-up assessment) to evaluate the continuation of the effects.<br> Assessment after the completion of the interventions revealed significant improvements in 10-m walking speed and maximum length of a step, and the follow-up assessment confirmed the continuation of these effects. Compared with at the time of the initiation of interventions, activity levels improved due to an increased frequency of going out on follow-up assessment. The incidence of falling was 27.3% (6/29 subjects) at both the initiation and completion of interventions.<br> After a 60-minute intervention program mainly involving aqua-exercise performed once a week for 6 months, mobility improved, but the incidence of falling did not change.
- Journal of Physical Education and Medicine
Journal of Physical Education and Medicine 9 (1), 15-22, 2008
Journal of Physical Education and Medicine Editorial Committee
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205219267584
- NII Article ID
- 130000055359
- NII Book ID
- AA11466241
- 18830722
- 13456962
- 9460262
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed