Development of Subjective Assessment Index for Measuring Mental Strain of Work Duration in Text Writing Work on Visual Display Terminals

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  • VDT文書入力作業の作業時間による心理負担測定のための評価尺度の開発
  • VDT ブンショ ニュウリョク サギョウ ノ サギョウ ジカン ニ ヨル シンリ フタン ソクテイ ノ タメ ノ ヒョウカ シャクド ノ カイハツ

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This study aims at developing a new subjective assessment index by simply evaluating the effect of work duration on the VDT worker's Psycho-physiological state. The method of this study was to examine how the effects of continuous work sessions for 100, 200 and 400 minutes on workers, who were reflected in the results of text writing works prepared based on mental fatigues tests using a simplified check questions. The check questions were selected by factor analysis to the students by the preliminary research. The test tasks were the text writing for twenty minutes work continually a total of five times, nine times and 17 times at a cycle of 20 minutes per cycle following a timetable. The subjects were total of 38 female and male, who were university students and high school students. As a result, it was found that subjective symptoms that develop during the work can be evaluated from three different factors. The factors are 1) drowsiness and fatigue, 2) effort to overcome strain and 3) weariness and difficulty of concentration. To evaluate the accumulated work strain that develops during the work, it is effective to evaluate the drowsiness and fatigue or weariness and difficult of concentration. To evaluate the attention and effort to cope with the work stress, the effort to overcome strain is an effective measure. Based on this result, a new subjective assessment index has been developed with six items representing each of the three factors, which is easily applicable to field surveys.


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