Inquiry into The Processes Concerning Teachers Task Performing in Organization Development for School System
- YAMADA Hirokuni
- Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo
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- Other Title
- 学校の組織開発において教員が課題実践に至る過程の探求
- ガッコウ ノ ソシキ カイハツ ニ オイテ キョウイン ガ カダイ ジッセン ニ イタル カテイ ノ タンキュウ
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The purpose of this study is to illustrate processes of teacher's task performance in organizational development of schools. In recent years the study of organization development for schools started in Japan. In this area of study, however, it is not always clear "in what kind of processes" or "why" teachers take action during their tasks related to grades and classrooms. This is a practical research that tries to illuminate the relationship between teachers creating and performing their tasks. I found the following points: (1) if teachers get Clear Image of Practices for School Goals (CIPSG) they undertake action for their tasks; (2) if their CIPSG are Modified (M-CIPSG) their practices are modified; and (3) the continuation and modifications of their practices are influenced by their appreciation of the school goals.
- Japan Journal of Educational Technology
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 36 (1), 45-57, 2012
Japan Society for Educational Technology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205227456512
- NII Article ID
- 110009479510
- NII Book ID
- AA11964147
- 21896453
- 13498290
- 023897490
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed