The Annual Rhizome Elongation and Its Growth Pattern in Phyllostachys pubescens.

  • Kawai H.
    The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University
  • Saijoh Y.
    River Basin Research Center, Gifu University
  • Akiyama T.
    River Basin Research Center, Gifu University
  • Zhang F.
    River Basin Research Center, Gifu University

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  • モウソウチク地下茎の年間伸長量と成長様式の解明
  • モウソウチク チカケイ ノ ネンカン シンチョウリョウ ト セイチョウ ヨウシキ ノ カイメイ

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Rhizome expansion system of bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) was investigated in a northwest part of Gifu Prefecture. Growth pattern was observed by measuring annual rhizome elongation in 10 m×10 m studied area. This was done by removing the soil in the studied area using shovel and water under pressure. Our results revealed that 1) internode length of bamboo rhizome has yearly amplitude in increase. Short parts of internodes that we assumed border of age were 7 to 29 mm, which was less than 40% of the longest internodes in all amplitudes, respectively. 2) Annual rhizome elongations were 0.02 m to 3.67 m, keeping an average of 1.27 m±0.90 m in 50 rhizome branches. These values are smaller than the previously reported research on rhizome elongation in west Japan. 3) Rhizome elongation and branch numbers had a periodic annual increase with an interval of 3 years. 4) By observing annual growth pattern it was also predicted that the process time of rhizome expansion in the studied area were developed within 4 to 12 years duration. Finally it can be concluded that the total annual elongation of bamboo rhizome can be estimated from the length combination of bamboo internodes, but we need more study to clarify the effects of soil and climate conditions on the growth of rhizomes.


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