Effect of Snow-pressure Damage on the Distribution of Stem Diameters in Japanese Cedar Stands

  • Tsukahara Masami
    Niigata Prefectural Forest Research Institute Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University
  • Kamitani Tomohiko
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University

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We investigated how best to use the stand-density control diagram for Japanese cedar stands in regions with heavy snowfall. These matured stands were composed of tall canopy trees with many other trees whose height was suppressed due to snow-pressure damage occurring during stand initiation stage. The distribution of stem diameters was positively skewed by these suppressed trees that were left after thinning since they were suppressed one-sidedly by canopy trees. The error rates of estimated stand volumes for the stand-density control diagram were high in stands with a high ratio of suppressed trees. To reduce error rates, only dominant trees should be used in the model. Estimated stand volumes can be calibrated using the measured basal area. With this modification, the stand-density control diagram can be applied to Japanese cedar stands in heavy snowfall regions.


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