Paticularity of Common Education in the Course of Study of "Industrial Arts and Homemaking" at Lower Secondary Schools Revised in 1958 : According to "Suzuki Hisao Documents"

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  • 1958年の技術・家庭科の学習指導要領の普通教育としての性格 : 文部省職業教育課課内会議の資料にそくして
  • 1958ネン ノ ギジュツ カテイカ ノ ガクシュウ シドウ ヨウリョウ ノ

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The purpose of this article is to clarify the making process of the course of study revised in 1958 through the materials ("Suzuki Hisao documents") which have been opened to the public in recent years. And I present a problem to preceding studies concerning the paticularity of this course of study. Researchers related to homemaking course have negatively evaluated that this course of study had reinforced the discriminations between boys and girls in the point that the content of homemaking course would target only girls. On the other hand, researchers related to technological education have positively evaluated the course of study in the point that the content was set as "Education of production technology". The main findings of this research are as follows; 1. In the making process of the original draft inside of Ministry of Education, whether the new subject's name should be called "Life technology" or "Technology" was not dicided to the final step. 2. In the discussion of Curriculum Council, a content of the "Technology" was discussed in initiative of the Ministry of Education. And the discussion was concentrated on ploblem of the subject's name. 3. In the discussion of the committee of teaching materials in which a concrete content of the subject was supposed to be discussed, the discussion for the expansion of each area was tried. 4. In preceding studies, the character of education of "Production technology" was evaluated to have been weakened from foundation. It is one-sided view point. For the meaning of "Technology", the relation with the vocational subjects (Agriculture, Commerce etc. were included), arts and crafts subject and homemaking subject was considered, though teaching of production technology and modern age's technology was assumed to have a new content. It was a historical fact in the process of the establishment of "Industrial Arts and Homemaking" as a technological education.


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