Kinetics and Mechanism of Formation of orsterite by Solid State Reaction of MgO and nstatite
- HAYAMI Ryozo
- Government Industrial Research Institute
- OGURA Toru
- Government Industrial Research Institute
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- Other Title
- マグネシアとエンスタタイトの固相反応によるフォルステライトの生成速度と機構
- マグネシア ト エンスタタイト ノ コソウ ハンノウ ニ ヨル フォルステライト ノ セイセイ ソクド ト キコウ
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The development of forsterite by solid state reaction in mixed powders of MgO and enstatite in various mole ratios at the temperature range 1100°-1300°C and times up to about 100 hrs is followed by quantitative X-ray diffraction measurement. Powders are used consisting of coarse (10μ) particles of one component in a fine-grained (mostly 1μ) matrix of the other component. The results are consistent with a diffusion-controlled mechanism and up to about 80% reaction to agree with the Ginstling-Brounshtein equation. Reaction constants are evaluated and activation energies in the range 100-110kcal/mole are obtained.<br>Studies, using mixed powders and reaction couple with platinum markers, indicate that Mg is main diffusing species.<br>Comparison of these results with our previous study of MgO-SiO2 solid state reaction makes it possible to presume that the rat-controlling process of MgO-SiO2 reaction arises from diffusion of Mg through the thin enstatite layer which forms between the main reaction product (forsterite) and the SiO2 component.
- Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan 75 (863), 215-220, 1967
The Ceramic Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205249822720
- NII Article ID
- 110002304388
- NII Book ID
- AN00245650
- 18842127
- 00090255
- 8468143
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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