Rule Based Ship Design Automation

  • Godghate Sushant
    Kyushu University, Graduate School of Engineering,Department of Maritime Engineering
  • Yamaguchi Satoru
    Kyushu University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Marine Systemes Engineering

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Other Title
  • Rule Based Ship Design Automation : Research, Analysis and Achievements using Petri Nets Theory
  • -Research, Analysis and Achievements using Petri Nets Theory-

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3D CAD systems are mostly used for ship design in shipbuilding industries today. However there is very limited focus on ship design automation. Recently, ship design automation became an emerging trend in global shipbuilding industry. This paper will introduce rule based ship design automation techniques using 3D CAD system. Authors will first introduce the design automation achievements, then the detailed analysis of automation problems faced during the automation implementation and finally the research study will prove how the design automation problems are resolved using the Petri nets graph theory automation concepts invented by the authors. This theory will help shipyards to increase the quality of their production, reduce the design time and increase their reliability on rule based design automation. The Paper will conclude with the possibilities of the future work using Petri nets theory.



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