The Antimutagenic Activities of Blackcurrant Extract : Evaluation Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae LOH System

  • Yamamoto Ayumi
    Faculty of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Hachinohe National College of Technology
  • Kawaguchi Satomi
    Faculty of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Hachinohe National College of Technology
  • Nakashima Kana
    Faculty of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Hachinohe National College of Technology
  • Kamitai Yoshihiro
    Center for Joint Research, Hirosaki University
  • Kato Yoji
    Laboratory of Food Science, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University


  • The Antimutagenic Activities of Blackcurrant Extract: Evaluation Using <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> LOH System



We investigated the antimutagenic activity of extract from mature and premature blackcurrant using the yeast loss of heterozygosity (LOH) system. Blackcurrant is a classical fruit that has long been used to make juice, jam, liqueur and sometimes medicines in Europe. Recently, its beneficial health effects, including anticarcinogenic and antioxidative activities, have been reported and associated with the functions of anthocyanins. However, it remains unclear how blackcurrant exhibits an anticarcinogenic effect. In this study, we demonstrated the evaluation of the antimutagenic activity of blackcurrant extract (BCE) using the yeast LOH system. Induction of mutations by several mutagens, namely, H2O2, MMS and UV, was significantly suppressed by the combined treatment of the two types of BCE. In conclusion, our findings clearly support the antimutagenic potential of blackcurrant, not only the mature fruit but also the premature fruit, as a useful food supplement.<br>


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