郊外住宅団地再生に資する公共空間としてのコミュニティ・サロンに関する研究 ―福島市蓬莱団地におけるコミュニティ・サロンの実験的運営を中心に―


  • A study on the community salon as public space to renovate of suburban housing estates - A case study of the experimental management of the community salon in Hourai resident’s area, Fukushima City -
  • コウガイ ジュウタク ダンチ サイセイ ニ シスル コウキョウ クウカン ト シテ ノ コミュニティ サロン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ フクシマシ ホウライ ダンチ ニ オケル コミュニティ サロン ノ ジッケンテキ ウンエイ オ チュウシン ニ



The purpose of this study is to examine the problem and method of "Community salon" to form a regional community to renovate of suburban housing estates. Especially, the community salon is examined as "Public space" to solve the policy task. Then, the questionnaire survey was executed to 27 resident activity groups to renovate suburban housing estates, and the answer was obtained from 23 groups. Moreover, the hearing survey was executed to 4 advanced cases. As a result, the management form to relate the life problem to the policy task was adopted in the community salon. Next, community salon "Potto"was experimentally managed in Hourai resident's area, Fukushima City. The activity details were shown, and it proposed the management solution for the community salon, for instance, the use of human resources. In addition, the questionnaire survey was executed to 258 families. As a result, the resident hopes to use the community salon by a free purpose.


  • 都市住宅学

    都市住宅学 2010 (71), 26-31, 2010

    公益社団法人 都市住宅学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

