Error-prone Gene mucAB Variants in Escherichia coli Plasmids from Japanese Donors
- Tanooka Hiroshi
- Biological Effects Research Group, Research Center for Radiation Protection, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- Tatsumi Kouichi
- Biological Effects Research Group, Research Center for Radiation Protection, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- Tsuji Hideo
- Biological Effects Research Group, Research Center for Radiation Protection, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- Ochiya Takahiro
- Section for Studies on Metastasis, National Cancer Center Research Institute
- Hirokawa Hideo
- Life Science Institute, Sophia University
- Mitsuoka Tomotari
- Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
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Variants of the error-prone gene, mucAB, were found in Escherichia coli plasmids from 3 out of 63 healthy Japanese donors. As compared with mucAB of pKM101, one contained unaltered mucA only, while two others contained full-sized, mutated mucAB with mutation-enhancing activity in E. coli. Possible interaction between bacterial plasmid genes and host humans was discussed.<br>
- Genes and Environment
Genes and Environment 31 (4), 119-122, 2009
The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205257899520
- NII Article ID
- 130004481173
- 10025926283
- NII Book ID
- AA1212552X
- 18807062
- 18807046
- 10490331
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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