Consideration on the changes of upper gastrointestinal radiographic examination findings and its usefulness for infection diagnosis after <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> eradication
- OHASHI Noritsugu
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- MORI Akihiro
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- KAWAI Hiromi
- Medical Examination Center, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- HAYASHI Shintaro
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- ITO Shun
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- YUMURA Takayuki
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
- HACHIYA Hiroki
- Department of Gastroenterology, Ichinomiya Nishi Hospital
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- <i>Helicobacter pylori</i>除菌による胃X線所見の変化と除菌診断の有用性に対する考察
- Helicobacter pylori除菌による胃X線所見の変化と除菌診断の有用性に対する考察
- Helicobacter pyloriジョキン ニ ヨル イ Xセン ショケン ノ ヘンカ ト ジョキン シンダン ノ ユウヨウセイ ニ タイスル コウサツ
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Background and aims: We examined changes in upper gastrointestinal (UGI) findings after Helicobacter pylori eradication. In addition, we evaluated the usefulness of the diagnostic flowchart of H. pylori gastritis (FC) for cases after eradication.<BR>Methods: We retrospectively compared the UGI findings “fold thickness of the body of the stomach,” “surface property of the body of the stomach,” and “fold loss in the greater curvature side of the lower part of the body of the stomach” between 74 patients who received H. pylori eradication therapy and 45 patients with H. pylori gastritis. In addition, we applied the FC to UGI findings after H. pylori eradication and calculated the sensitivity.<BR>Results: The fold thickness after H. pylori eradication was reduced by an average of 1.18 mm 1 year later and by 1.67 mm 2 years later. All cases with a rough type of surface property were improved to intermediate type, but as for the intermediate type, 65.7% did not change. Of the cases without fold thickness loss, 21.4% were changed to cases with fold thickness loss. The sensitivity of the FC for cases after eradication was 16.2%.<BR>Conclusion: As for the changes of UGI findings by H. pylori eradication, reduction in fold thickness was the most useful. However, use of FC alone for cases after eradication is inappropriate.
- Nihon Shoukaki Gan Kenshin Gakkai zasshi
Nihon Shoukaki Gan Kenshin Gakkai zasshi 56 (1), 11-23, 2018
The Japanese Society of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001205269401728
- NII Article ID
- 130006319767
- NII Book ID
- AA12134881
- 21851190
- 18807666
- 028792764
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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