

  • Physical-motor-play instruction in the kindergarten and cognition of kindergarten teacher to physical-motor-play instruction:
  • 園での運動遊び指導と運動遊び指導に対する幼稚園教諭の認識 : 園での運動遊び指導に対する満足度と技術指導志向からの検討
  • ソノ デ ノ ウンドウ アソビ シドウ ト ウンドウ アソビ シドウ ニ タイスル ヨウチエン キョウユ ノ ニンシキ : ソノ デ ノ ウンドウ アソビ シドウ ニ タイスル マンゾクド ト ギジュツ シドウ シコウ カラ ノ ケントウ
  • study of satisfaction for the physical-motor-play instruction in kindergarten and technical teaching orientation that the kindergarten teachers have
  • ―園での運動遊び指導に対する満足度と技術指導志向からの検討―



In view of the situation with regard to exercise instruction in kindergartens, this study compares how kindergarten teachersʼ cognition differ depending on the presence/absence of exercise instructors, and explores the background to this. We conducted a questionnaire survey targeting 638 Japanese kindergarten teachers. Approximately about 65% responded that their institutions had exercise instructors and that gymnastics and other athletic activities and physical education play/motor play were frequently carried out. The survey also revealed that the more oriented towards teaching motor technique the kindergarten teachers were, the greater was their degree of satisfaction with exercise instructors. It is likely that kindergarten teachers do not adequately understand the role of exercise in preschool childrenʼs development and motor development in preschool children, which suggests the need for an examination that includes training courses in its scope.


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