Experimental Investigation of Erosion Rates of Sand-clay Mixtures and Embankment Failure Caused by Overflow

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  • 砂・粘土混合材料の侵食速度測定と室内越流破堤実験


This paper presents a series of erosion tests of sand-clay mixtures, which investigated the relationship between erosion rates of the soils and shear stress exerted onto the soil surface, and laboratory experiments of embankment erosion due to overflow, where the same sand-clay mixture was used as the embankment material. The effects of the dry density and the clay content on the erosion rates of the soils were investigated in the erosion tests. When an embankment is subjected to overflow, the height of the embankment decreases while the erosion occurs at the crest, where the water flow is Froude-critical. The experiments of embankment erosion have revealed that the decrease rates of embankment height corresponded to the erosion rate of the embankment material under the critical flow. This fact has shown that the estimation of the shear stress under the critical flow enables the temporal development of embankment erosion to be predicted with erosion rates of the embankment material.


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