
DOI Web Site Web Site 参考文献59件 オープンアクセス


  • Abnormal psychology for depression: From perspectives of relapse prevention and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
  • ウツビョウ ノ イジョウ シンリガク : サイハツ ヨボウ ト マインドフルネス ニンチ リョウホウ ノ カンテン カラ
  • ─再発予防とマインドフルネス認知療法の観点から─



The aim of this article was to review the researches on abnormal psychology for depression, and to figure out how to develop the researches in the future. Recently, depression has become a major social problem. Especially, relapse prevention is the most important factor of the depression care. There, we reviewed the researches on abnormal psychology referring the relapse prevention of depression by focusing on the researchers who are active on this field. The main topics of the present article were below: the emotional processing theory by John D. Teasdale, the first person who has focused on the relapse prevention of depression, 2) the researches that substantiate the theory, and the distinguishing phenomenon related to the relapse, 3) the researches on the effect and mechanism of MBCT that is developed for the relapse prevention of depression, and 4) the research trend of Ed Watkins and Jutta Joormann who lead the recent growth of the abnormal psychology on the depression, and the relations between their theory and the MBCT. At the last, the future directions of the researches on the relapse prevention on depression were discussed. Furthermore, it was noted that the perspective which was necessary to understand the mindfulness was beneficial when think of emotion regulation too.


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